35 uncomfortable facts about life that’ll make you indestructible


1: The vast majority of millionaires are self-made.

2: Money is attracted to people who work.

3: Marrying the right person is the greatest life hack.

4: If you’re easily offended, you have too much free time.

5: Boasting about working 12-hour days isn’t a mark of productivity; it’s a sign of poor boundaries.

6: You have more opportunities today than anyone in history.

7: Marrying late is better than Marrying wrong.

8: Work ethic *WILL* outperform natural ability throughout a career.

9: Most people are too self-absorbed to understand what they want.

10: Happiness is a choice.

11: CEOs do more for this country than politicians, and it’s not even close.

12: Don’t keep up with the Joneses; they’re broke.

13: One of the best ways to remain poor is to hate those who are rich and successful.

14: The “woke” are usually broke.

15: It is your *responsibility* to be as fit, healthy and financially secure as possible for your family.

16: Those who complain the most accomplish the least.

17: Your addiction to politics is dragging you down and making you an insufferable person to be around whether you realize it or not.

18: About 90% of Money Twitter’s advice will leave you poor and burned out.

19: Arguing online is a sign of weakness.

20: If you can sit for 60 minutes in TOTAL SILENCE, with no phone, no computer and no distractions – and be happy, then you’re *destined* for greatness.

21: The secret to success is doing what other people are unwilling or unable to do.

22: Staying up super late on the weekends will KILL your Monday productivity.

23: Those who think they need $10 million to be happy will NEVER be happy – ever. 

24: 99% of people should be 100% index fund investors.

25: Showing up is half the battle.

26: The 40-hour workweek could easily be replaced with 10 to 20 hours of focused work.

27: Getting rich is a habit.

28: Making money while you sleep is literally how rich people get rich.

29: Most of your problems could be solved by moving out of your big city and into the country.

30: You’re probably just one long walk away from your next big idea.

31: The ability to communicate effectively in front of large groups of people will make you far more successful than getting straight As in school.

32: Hard work creates good luck.

33: The government doesn’t control the age of your retirement. You do.

34: As an adult, it is your responsibility to UNLEARN the things taught to you by a society that doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

35: You become 100x more successful when you find a group of friends who talk about investing, fitness and business.

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