self improvement

some ways to improve yourself

Read a book every day. Learn a new language. Have a weekly exercise routine. Set a 5-year goal and list…

9 months ago

tips for appearing confident

Walk faster. Throw your shoulders back, lift up your head, move ahead a little faster, and feel self-confidence grow. Talk…

10 months ago

how to get respect

Stop being available to people all the time. Stay away from the company of negative people. Don't lose your self…

10 months ago

some more productivity tips ..

Sleep 7+ hours Exercise for at least 30min/day Don’t work too much, work smartly Keep your brain empty for a…

10 months ago

some techniques to improve productivity using deep work

Create a conducive environment: Find a quiet, clutter-free space where you can work without distractions. Minimize interruptions by turning off…

11 months ago

one tip from experts to improve productivity

the tip is called the pomodoro technique it states - you concentrate on your work for 25 mins , then…

12 months ago

time management tips

Here are some common time management problems faced by professionals: Procrastination: Many professionals struggle with procrastination, which can lead to…

1 year ago

some moves that made selfmade millionaires rich

they were being under-utilized they had toxic bosses they dreaded their office culture they were not getting paid enough /…

1 year ago

how to avoid the winter blues .. as per experts

keep a structured sleep routine - sleep and get up at the same time everyday make sure to get healthy…

1 year ago

how to reduce your work hours drastically and improve your productivity

limit your work hours to say 8 per day be selective about what you will work on categorize the tasks…

1 year ago